About Us

The initial idea of Mola Structural Model emerged during a postgraduate program in architecture, when our founder - Márcio Sequeira - as an architect student, was concerned about the abstract approach to the topics related to structure.


Márcio Sequeira at the first Mola presentation
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2005


In 2014, after 10 years of design development, Márcio launched the first Mola Structural Kit on a crowdfunding campaign. The result was amazing! Mola became, at the time, the most successful crowdfunding campaign in Brazil. More than 1,500 people have trusted the idea and helped us to create a new way of studying and teaching structures behavior. This is how our company started!

In 2016, we launched our second campaign for funding the production of three new products. Today there are more than 5,000 kits scattered in more than 60 countries.

We’re very proud of being a Brazilian company with an innovative educational product which is recognized across the world. And none of that would be possible without the support of our crowdfunding backers and our early adopters. Thank you!

Our goal when creating Mola was to assist the teaching and learning of structures, in a more playful and intuitive way, expanding the knowledge of students, professionals and lay people on the functioning of the structures that surround us.

Even with all our achievements, we're still a small company that works hard to deliver the best possible experience with Mola Structural Kits.

