
Stay updated with the latest news, events, and lectures from Mola.

Crowdfunding Campaign
Sep 2024

Mola Structural Kit 4

Live on Kickstarter.

Pre-order now

Keynote Speaker
30 Oct - 3 Nov, 2024
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

FAST - Festival for Architecture Schools of Tomorrow

Marcio Sequeira, the founder of Mola, will be a keynote speaker at the FAST - Festival for Architecture Schools of Tomorrow, where he will share Mola's journey and future plans.


Aug 26 - 30, 2024
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

IASS 2024

Marcio Sequeira, the founder of Mola, will present together with Miriam Dall'Igna the paper "Correlated physical and parametric FEM modelling for computational design and engineering workflows" during the parallel sessions at IASS 2024 - International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures.

IASS 2024

Aug 5 - 7, 2024
São Paulo, Brazil

Congresso & ExpoAço 2024

In collaboration with the CBCA - Centro Brasileiro da Construção em Aço, Marcio Sequeira will give a lecture about the Mola Structural System at the Congresso & ExpoAço 2024.

ExpoAço 2024