Safety Instructions
Mola products contains small magnets and are NOT TOYS.

Internal Injury Hazard
Swallowed magnets can damage internal organs and have resulted in SERIOUS INJURIES and DEATH.
Keep away from children under 14 years of age.
NEVER put Mola parts near mouth or nose. Magnet ingestions are often accidental and there is a possibility that they will occur from:
1. Young children finding loose or missing magnets;
2. Older children and teens playing with magnets in their mouths or nose and imitating piercings.
Seek immediate medical attention or contact the poison control center immediately if you think magnets were ingested. It is possible that X-rays or prompt surgical removal will be required. Do not wait for symptoms to appear as it is feasible that by then it will be too late for medical intervention.
Symptoms of magnet ingestion are often non-specific (abdominal pain, fever, etc.), and can take from hours to weeks to appear. By then, the damage can be severe. Untreated ingestions of magnets are likely to cause intestinal blockage, perforation, bleeding, infection, and death.
Keep away from pets, pacemakers and magnetically sensitive items.
When not in use
Locate all Mola parts and count them individually to be sure that none are missing. Store all parts safely away from children, and in a storage container. Check the images available on the inside of the box lid to verify the number of units of each part and the correct place to store them in the box.
Be aware of dropped or separated magnets. If you notice any part without a magnet, please contact us at and we will replace the part(s). Use the following product information to check if there is any missing magnet from each component in the set when returning it to the storage container:
- Mola Structural Kit 1
Each Bar (B) and Diagonal (D) have two magnets, one at each end; each Ground Connection (GC) has four magnets at its base; each Rigid Connection 90 (RC90) has three magnets along its perimeter; each Plate (P) has six magnets along its perimeter. Please check the images on pages 10 and 11 of the manual to identify each Mola part. - Mola Structural Kit 2
Each Bar (B) and Diagonal (D) have two magnets, one at each end; each Ground Connection (GC) has four magnets at its base; each Rigid Connection 90 (RC90) has three magnets along its perimeter; each Plate (P) has four magnets at its corner; each Continuous Connection (CC) has three magnets along its perimeter; each Continuous Connection 90 (CC90) has two magnets along its perimeter. Please check the images on pages 10 and 11 of the manual to identify each Mola part. - Mola Structural Kit 3
Each Bar (B) and Diagonal (D) have two magnets, one at each end; each Ground Connection (GC) has four magnets at its base; each Rigid Connection 90 (RC90) has three magnets along its perimeter; each Cable Connection (CABLE C) has one magnet. Please check the images on pages 10 and 11 of the manual to identify each Mola part. - Adjustable Length Bars
Each Bar (AB) has two magnets, one at each end.
Need information?
Don't hesitate to contact us